Physical CloudBender™ regions now support running a centralized storage controller similar to cloud regions.
Azure Blob Storage and Container Registry Integration
Integration with Azure Blob Storage and Azure Container Registry is now available natively in trainML.
Private Endpoints for CloudBender Regions
CloudBender™ now allows you deploy applications as endpoints to your local region, so they are only accessible from inside your infrastructure.
More Flexibility in Worker Output Format
Customers can now disable the automatic archiving of job outputs prior to upload.
Wasabi Cloud Storage Integration
Wasabi cloud storage has been added as an available storage integration. Wasabi can save you up to 80% on persistent storage compared to AWS and has no additional egress/API fees, making it a great option for trainML integration.
Cross-Project Models
trainML Models can now be copied between projects.
CPU-Only Instance Types
Save even more money with CPU-Only job instances.
Multiple GPU Type Job Specifications
trainML now provides unparalleled job flexibility by allowing jobs to specify multiple GPU types that can satisfy a job request. The trainML job scheduler will automatically select the most affordable GPU type available.
Secure Data Processing With Regional Datastores
CloudBender™ now allows you directly connect to regional datastores without having to copy that data into or out of trainML persistent storage.
Python 3.9 Environments
New job environments based on Python 3.9 are now available for all frameworks.