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Environment Variables

The trainML job execution environment presets a variety of environment variables to make the development of worker training scripts easier and more flexible.

  • TRAINML_JOB_NAME : The name of the job with spaces converted to underscores.
  • TRAINML_JOB_ID : A unique ID specific to this job.
  • TRAINML_WORKER_NUM : The number of the worker in a multi-worker training job.
  • TRAINML_WORKER_ID : A unique ID specific to this job worker.
  • TRAINML_DATA_PATH : The local directory of the data loaded through the Dataset option. This directory is read-only.
  • TRAINML_OUTPUT_PATH : The local directory that will be uploaded to the Output storage path after job completion.
  • TRAINML_MODEL_PATH : The local directory containing the model code. This is the default working directory when a worker starts.
  • TRAINML_CHECKPOINT_PATH : The local directory of the checkpoints loaded through the Checkpoint option. This directory is read-only.
  • TRAINML_CLIENT_IP : The IP address a worker can use to communicate back to the customer running the connection utility. This will only be accessible when the customer is connected.
  • TRAINML_DEVICE_NAME : (CloudBender Devices Only) The friendly name of the device the endpoint is running on.
  • TRAINML_DEVICE_ID : (CloudBender Devices Only) The unique ID of the device the endpoint is running on.